The health risk.

Learn the harm to human health from RF exposure.

Pinpointing the dangers of EMF radiation.

Studies have shown that exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless devices can be linked to health issues such as headaches, fatigue, and reduced cognitive function.

It is invisible

We cannot see the radiation and apart from the most electrically sensitive of us we cannot feel the radiation.

It is not immediate

Using a mobile device will not cause immediate harm apart from perhaps a hot hand or head and occasionally a headache if used for a long time.

We are all addicted to the devices

Technology governs every area of our working and personal lives. We would all be lost without our devices and we all don’t want to believe that they are dangerous and that we should limit their use.

There are NO safe levels

We are consuming what we are told are “safe levels” of toxins in our food, water, the air we breathe and from the airwaves with technology. However none of these safe levels test for the accumulation of everything together or from long exposure.

Blood Test Results

without gamrx
with gamrx
EMF shielding product

The GamRx Shield

The GamRx Shield is a simple and affordable device that attaches to any:

EMF Protecting fabric

The GamRx Blanket

By putting the GamRx formula into fabric we can protect people from radiation, in areas such as the genitals, when using wireless devices all day. The GamRx Blanket protects the wearers overall health such as: 

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